Just my musings about life, quilting, my family and my dog.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Design Wall Monday

So, I went with  the Blue border instead of one of the reds.

This photo makes the right side look a little pink.  It's not.  Must be the light.  Night time photo - AGAIN!!

I have no idea why I went with the blue, really.  Maybe I'm just being stingy with my reds and didn't want to use them on a charity quilt.  OH, what kind of a small person does that make me??  Perhaps, I just wanted to use something more unexpected to borrow McIrish Annie's words.  Thanks to everyone who commented.

I know there is a lot of deliciousness posted on Patchwork Times blog.  Go check out what other lovelies you can find there.


  1. I like the dark borders - it really makes the bright center of the quilt "POP".

  2. I like the darker borders as well... very handsome quilt!

  3. After your posted on my blog I had to come check out your rail fence. I like it. The border really frames the fences well.

  4. Charming Rail Fence: great border treatment!


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