On Saturday I bribed my DS1 to come home for the weekend and be my slave in exchange for paying his car registration. #1 on the list was to help me replant the pots at my office.
I learned a really cool way to get rid of ants from one of my clients. She adds a dose of Advantage Flea stuff to a small bottle of honey - you know, one of those Honey bears - then puts drops of it in places where pets can't get to. Well, we've had quite an infestation this year. They come in the house looking for water when it gets hot. It's rather disconcerting to be in the bathroom, minding your own business when you notice ants crawling up your leg. EWW! I took a very small amount of honey and squeezed in a few drops of Advantage after we applied Izzy's monthly dose. I put a few drops of the mixture here and there in the bathroom and by today NO ANTS. If you use this trick be sure to label it POISON very clearly.
Have a great day and keep those garden photos coming.